High-Quality Organic Fertilizers
Building on over 20 years of technical expertise from the Netherlands, Organics Matter® has developed a range of high-quality organic fertilizers and natural bio fungicide and bio stimulator products. These products are rich in organic matter, slow-release nutrients, micro-nutrients and trace elements are the necessary future of the global agricultural production system. Organics Matter® has two product lines of safe and high-quality organic fertilizer products and organic fungicide products based on 100% natural nutrient-rich ingredients and a unique and patented production process. Our first product line is the Future Organic Series. Below, you can find listing of the key products in this product series. Our second product line is the T-22 Trichoderma Series. These bio-fungicide products are based on a unique type of the Trichoderma Harzianum fungus and offer a safe and healthy alternative to using harmful chemical pesticides. Visit here for more information on our T-22 Trichoderma Series. The products from our Future Organic Series are listed below:
Future Organic Series - High-Nutrient Mix (3-3-2 NPK, 38% organic matter). For more info, see our Future Organic Series - High Nutrient Mix Brochure.
Future Organic Series - Yield Maximizer (2-2-2 NPK, 33% organic matter, Control Union Certified). For more info, see our Future Organic Series - Yield Maximizer Brochure.
Future Organic Series - Organic Plus (1-1-1 NPK, 25% organic matter, Control Union Certified). For more info, see our Future Organic Series - Organic Plus Brochure.
Click here for more information on our T-22 Trichoderma Series bio fungicide products.